Phone: 603 770-8014
Degrees and Certifications:
Bachelor's Degree in English and Women's Studies from Merrimack College Master's Degree and Master of Letters from Middlebury College, the Bread Loaf School of English Certified in SEI education
Ms. April Rivers
I am a seasoned teacher at Amesbury High School who has nearly twenty years experience teaching in the high school classroom. Having taught for ten years in Hudson, NH, I have taught a multitude of classes from cohort level classes to Advanced Placement level classes.
Here in Amesbury, I teach English as a part of the Early College/American Studies Program with sophomores and juniors. I also work closely with Northern Essex Community College with whom Amesbury is partnered for this program. I also teach CP level English classes to frehmen through juniors, and I take pride in instilling a strong work ethic and a sence of self in all of my students. I work with them in and out of the classroom to facilitate this as an advisor to our Gay/Straight Alliance, Mentors Violence Prevention Program, and advisory leader.
I can best be reached at the following email adress for parent and student communicarion: riversa@amesburyma.org.
Ms. Rivers
Welcome to Room 117....Challenge and Creativity lie ahead!
April Rivers-Blake
Please feel free to contact me at: riversa@amesburyma.gov or at 978-388-4800.
Students should know that I am available almost every day during A Block (from 7:30-8:00) and almost every day after school for extra help or for make up purposes.
Courses Taught:
Semester One: English 9 - CP, Early College/ American Studies 10
Classroom Expectations:
It is expected that all students in any of my classes be respectful of myself and all other students in room 117 at all times. This means that foul language, gestures, etc. will not be tolerated. Period.
It is expected that all homework and classwork be completed in a timely manner. If homework is not completed on the night it is assigned, a homework detention will be given on the following day. These detentions are to be served only after school and are usually between 15-50 minutes in length, depending upon what is owed. During this time, students are given the opportunity to make up missing homework for full credit and full points. If the student does not show up, however, he or she will be referred to the main office for disciplinary action. Students having conflicts must produce a note from a parent/guardian or coach indicating and explaining why the student cannot serve. In this event, another appointment will be made. Detentions are never assigned for Friday afternoons.
It is expected that all students participate in class discussions/debates/projects to the best of their ability. participation is a graded part of the class (10%).
It is fully expected that all students have read and understand the Amesbury High School Handbook and are familiar with the rules therein. It should be especially noted that all students should NOT use cellular phones between the hours of 7:30 A.M. and 2:30 P.M.
Course Description(s):
English 9 is a survey course. This simple means that the class consists of various types of literature styles from non-fiction to longer works of fiction. Each of these works is assessed using at least two different means: an examination, socratic seminar, essay, or project of another type. In order to ensure students sharpen their critical reading skills, graphic organizers are often assigned when reading is assigned for homework. These assignments are often quizzed on the following day in class. Some of these quizzes are not announced.
As writing is a very important skill in today's society, it is one that the AHS English department takes very seriously. Students are, therefore, expected to write on a nearly daily basis. Some of these assignments are formally assigned at the end of a unit and some are assigned as more informal "on demand" writing prompts. All writing is assessed using either the John Collins Writing Program or the MCAS state rubric for writing.
participation is an important part of any class, and there are a variety of ways that a student can show his/her participation in English 9. There are group work opportunities where students are required to work with others to produce a class project, students sometimes work together in class toward a common goal and then one group representative "reports out" to the rest of the class about his/her group's findings. Students are also encouraged to share their writing with the class or with a peer as a key part of the editing process.
Early College (10)
Please read the attached syllabus for this course as it contains expectations, grading policies, and due dates: