The following resources and information will help you and your student explore options to cover the costs of post-high school education.
Koplik Certificate of Mastery Award - https://www.doe.mass.edu/scholarships/mastery/default.html
DESE website for this MCAS recognition. The Koplik Certificate provides students with a tuition credit at participating MA state colleges and universities. Please visit the DESE website for criteria and required documentation.
John and Abigail Adams Scholarships - https://www.doe.mass.edu/scholarships/adams/default.html
DESE website for this MCAS recognition. The Adams Scholarship provides students with a tuition credit at participating MA state colleges and universities. Please visit the DESE website for criteria and required documentation.
FAFSA (free application for federal student aid) - https://studentaid.gov/h/apply-for-aid/fafsa
If you plan on applying for financial aid, you will need to fill out the FAFSA your senior year. The earlier the form is completed, the sooner you could receive your financial aid packages from the colleges you've applied to.
FSA ID - https://fsaid.ed.gov/npas/index.htm
You will need to create an FSA ID to electronically sign your FAFSA form.
MEFA (massachusetts educational finance authority) - https://www.mefa.org/
For the Financial Aid 101 section of the mefa website, visit https://www.mefa.org/videos/financial-aid-101
The October 2024 virtual financial aid night meet code is http://meet.google.com/fhy-tasc-bph